Monday, 20 January 2014

Bird cage

Good Morning all hope the weekend was good 
for you a quick post this morning as off to Hospital
with my Hubby I made this Yesterday for today 
as i knew I wouldn't have time to make something this morning
Birdcage is from 
Sandra also sells these in pdf format 
for those of you that do not own a cameo 
also there is a facebook group Here

Papers from Craftworks Cards
Ribbon and Pearls from my stash

Thanks for stopping by
will pop on later to catch up 
on Blog posts 


Laine said...

A stunning project Sandra. Hope all goes well at the hospital.

KarinsArtScrap said...

wow this looks great Sandra and beautiful made.

gr karin

Anonymous said...

Sandra what a wonderful project hope all went well at the hospital. Love Alison xx

Andree said...

A fabulous project Sandra. I love the design with the drawer at the bottom and the way you've decorated the cage with the pearls and flowers.
I hope all went well today xx

Cccamfunder said...

Odd this put up is totally unrelated to what I was looking Google for, however it was once indexed on the first page. I guess your doing something proper if Google likes you enough to position you at the first page of a non similar search.

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