Friday, 4 March 2016

Pink again x

Good Morning everyone 
sorry I haven't been over to your Blogs
 My eyes have been really bad the last few days 
and have been trying to spend as much
 time away from the computer and phone 
as I can 

I made this card the other day 

A5 card 
covered with Sunrise lily papers 
The verse and flowers are from the same kit 

Thanks For calling by 
Hugs Sandra xx


Linda Simpson said...

Morning Sandra, this is gorgeous, love the papers and beautiful flowers.
Linda xxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sandra. Hope you feel better soon hun. Love the card as always. Very pretty pinks x

Debs cards said...

Hi Sandra what a beautiful card I love the lilly's and your design is wonderful.
I made my first lilly's today and they are so easy to do. I cant believe how similar our designs are.
Debs xxxx
{Debs Cards}

Jackie T said...

Hi Sandra this is a stunning card. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

Oh I'm so glad I found your blog, your projects are beautiful and so different following now so I won't miss any thing Debbs xx

Brawny x said...

Fabulous pretty card. Hope you eyes are ok. X

Kate M said...

Beautiful card, love the colours, papers and flowers. That verse is beautiful too.
Hope your eyes are better - we crafters have to look after our eyes!!