Tuesday 6 November 2012

Window Display

Well I was out Shopping last week and was asked by a local shop to do a window display I was over the moon  so have worked hard on this so i hope they like it tomorrow when I take it over to them so here it is 

The house is my design


 the letter box and lamp comes from Anne at


the tree comes from Tina at 

I thought it would be i nice idea to put some lights in the house and around the edge of the roof  to finish it off 

sorry picture are not so good in the dark but you can see what ive done 

Hope you like  these can be made to order if you would like one just ask when commenting 


bye for now
be back soon 



Stampers Delights said...

WOW this is fantastic!
so much detail
I am sure they are going to love this Sandra Love Janice XXX

Andree said...

What a fantastic scene you've created Sandra and a wonderful idea to put lights in and around the house. It's all fabulous but I do love the Christmas tree x

Laine said...

Absolutely stunning.

jane stillman said...

Wow! a fantastic project, they will love it x

Unknown said...

Absolutely Stunning Sandra, I am sure they are going to be over the moon with it xxxx

sparklingblackrose said...

Sandra you really are a clever lady! :-) Fantastic idea and so well made :-) Id love if you could enter this in my all crafts challenge lovely, its perfect! http://sparklingblackrose-craftmylife.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/craft-my-life-all-crafts-challenge.html Elaine-xxx-

Anonymous said...

wow, fantastic projects hun xx

sparklingblackrose said...

Thank you so much for linking up to my challenge lovely, I will feature your creation soon, will be back to tell you when to come over and see your lovely winter window decor showcased :-) Hope to see you enter my All Crafts Challenge again soon, I love your work :-) Elaine-xxx-

Kate M said...


Sylvia Anderson said...

Fantastic, i'm sure they will love it x

Kathryn said...

How fabby xx love it

Unknown said...

This is fantastic . I love the xmas tree xxx

Lynn Whitehouse said...

Wow is all i can say, this is just fab, very xmassy and love the tree can see all the hard work which has gone into it :-) xxx

Tracey Singleton said...

Wow sandra thats amazing. How long did it take you to make that xxx

ddazzled71 said...

This is amazing, I love it! xx

Sandra Carey said...

thanks for your great comment it took a few days hun xx

Sandra Carey said...

Thanks x

Sandra Carey said...

Thanks Lynn x

Sandra Carey said...

Thanks xx

Sandra Carey said...

Thanks Emma x

Zoe said...

One word "WOW"

pauline said...

thats a lovely little house ,so love it xx

Doreen said...

Stunning creations.xxx

Denise said...

Wow - it's lovely x

Cookie said...

wow wow wow it is stunning and they will love it, FABULOUS love all the details and love the lights GORGEOUS XXX

Kraftylittlebox said...

Wow Sandra this is awesome!! I wouldn't know where to begin! Completely stunning :))) hugs Klair xx

Sandra Carey said...

Thanks Klair xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Fabulous, what a wonderful display, a really lovely idea, the tree is awesome
Lindsay xx

Unknown said...

Stunning and intricate work Sandra I so admire someone who can create like this well done Hugs Elaine

Sandra Carey said...

Hi this is on display at In House Interiors on Milford Marina x